Monday, August 18, 2008

Just Another Manic Monday

The weekend flew by! I finished the first set of Rose Cottage pages at 1:30 am on Saturday, went to my team meeting in Allen, spent the rest of Saturday with my husband, and completed two more sets of pages yesterday. Now I'm running around trying to get everything ready to start work on the craft fair at school this week. Manic doesn't even begin to describe how I feel!

This is the left-hand side of the second Rose Cottage layout. I started out with a picture I'd printed from SCS and ended up tweaking the way I placed the photo mats and embellishments to fit my space.

This is the right-hand side, once again adjusted to fit my space. I think the original designer's photo mats may have been for smaller pictures, but a lot of my club members don't like to cut their photos down, so I'm trying to include more pages where they don't have to.

And this is how they look when they're together! The more I work with this kit the more I love its baroque elements. I left the space in the lower right-hand corner blank so they can add their titles or journal there.

When I get home from work today, I'll take pictures of the pages I completed last night and post them tomorrow. I tried something new with them and am anxious for feedback to see if it "worked."

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